Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving Weekend!

We are so happy to have this four day weekend!  Brooke has been staying with us while Doug is in the hospital.  Thanksgiving dinner was delicious,  everyone was stuffed and happy and we give thanks for our family & friends.  The girls were "itching" to put up the Christmas tree so Karl got everything out of the attic and ready to decorate.  Jack was napping and when he woke up he was unsure what this tall, green, poky tree was doing in his living room!  These are just some pics of the weekend and Madi having control of the camera... 100+ pictures, she said she has a new career, Photography.  I said that was a great profession and thought to myself that it will probably change 50 more times before she gets out of high school and into college.  We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.. Looking forward to Christmas- can't believe how it is right around the corner!

Monday, November 24, 2008

The beginning..

Wow.. how easy is this? We should have started this blogging thing a while back to share photos of Madi and now Jack, but we are just now "figuring it all out!" I decided to begin this blog after an inspiration and some pretty large milestones happened in the past few weeks.. Jack has taken a few steps, got his first pair of "big boy" shoes and got a hair cut.. while Madi has been excelling in gymnastics, soccer and school.  Who wouldn't want to blog about that?  So.. here they are, some pictures of Jack's first hair cut. Growing up so fast!